Welcome to Kyra's Rescue

Who We Are and Our Mission

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Kyra's Rescue is a 501(c)(3)
tax-deductible non-profit organization!
We are a small group of friends and animal lovers in the Washington, D.C. metro area who volunteer to save homeless dogs primarily from Turkey. We have family and friends in Turkey who contact us to find homes in America for the dogs that have no hopes of finding anyone to adopt them. Turkish dog shelters are typically no-kill. On the face of it, this seems like a good thing, however, dogs who are not adopted are subject to 1 of 2 fates: they are either dumped in rural areas, left to fend for themselves against the harsh elements and acts of abuse and cruelty from street vagrants, the small and the young sometimes used as bait for fighting dogs, and to compete with wild dog packs for food and water; or, if not released, the dogs remain in grossly overcrowded, under resourced shelters receiving minimal care and attention, often with little food or water. We seek to bring these homeless, hopeless survivors to families in the United States that are willing to open their homes and hearts to these wonderful dogs. We ask potential adopters to complete an application and to give a fee for each adoption. The fee helps Kyra's Rescue with transportation costs, veterinary care and providing for the well-being for all our rescues while finding them a good and loving home. We want to ensure that each adopted dog goes to a home that truly wants to make them a part of their family.
Because we are an entirely volunteer run organization, we ask for your patience. Each decision is made with the dog's best interest in mind and in an effort to find the best match between each dog and family. This decision is made solely at the discretion of the KR Team and is done to ensure that our dogs are placed in the most safe, caring and loving home.
Kyra's Rescue is inspired by other rescue groups that save dogs in Turkey and find loving homes in the US. Two stories about the rescue group Adopt a Golden in Atlanta who save purebred Golden Retrievers from Turkey can be found here and here.
Thank you for visiting our website.

We are over the moon with pride that our beautiful Penny is the winner of People Magazine's World’s Cutest Rescue Dog Contest. Penny and her rescue story prevailed over 10,000 other dogs who were judged by the likes of Olivia Munn and LeAnne Rimes. Through Penny’s newfound fame, she and her family have spread the message about the rewards of rescue, and a rescued dog’s amazing ability to find joy and love despite its previous neglect and abuse.
Kyra’s Rescue is run by 4 women plus a handful of dedicated volunteers, all of whom are professionals who devote all of their free time to rescuing and finding loving homes for abandoned dogs. Kyra’s Rescue’s mission has always been to encourage anyone who is interested in adding a furry family member to adopt from a rescue group or shelter, and now we have our very own Penny as a role model for the world!
Penny and Kyra’s Rescue would like everyone to know that rescuing a dog requires commitment, understanding and patience, and adopters need to allow an adjustment period for both the family and the dog, but adopting a homeless dog may ultimately be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.
Please watch the videos below to see Penny on national TV with her mom and family. Penny’s story will also be featured in Friday’s issue of People Magazine.

All you need is a loving heart and the desire to help a dog in need.